IACHC Membership

International Association of Circadian Health Clinics

  • Individual
  • Facility
      • About Memberships

      • Regular Members

      • Fellow Members

      • Early Career Members

      • Student Members

      • Team Members

      • Affiliate Members

      • Emeritus Members

      • Individual Memberships

        Membership of the International Association of Circadian Health Clinics is open to professionals, organizations, and stakeholders across the sleep and circadian medicine field. The association offers members:

        • Networking opportunities, with access to a diverse community of research and clinical professionals, to forge valuable connections, exchange ideas, and build partnerships.
        • Educational resources, including programs, webinars, workshops, and conferences to foster continuous learning and professional development.
        • Advocacy and representation through a unified voice for circadian health professionals and clinicians, promoting industry best practices, and influencing policy decisions.
        • Research and innovation: research initiatives, encourage innovation, and drive technological advancements in sleep and circadian medicine.

        To become a member of the IACHC, please complete the membership registration form.

        If you have any questions, please email us at info@circadianhealthclinics.com

        Membership fees are listed in US dollars. Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Regular Members

        Regular membership is open to all individuals who hold a M.D., D.O., or Ph.D. Degree or other doctoral degrees in the health care field, or have a qualification in an established health profession (e.g. psychologist, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants), and are active in circadian disorders medicine or research. Regular members pay annual dues and receive subscriptions to publications owned or operated by the IACHC and receive all other member informational mailings.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$65

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Fellow Members

        Fellows are individuals who have demonstrated special competency in circadian disorders medicine and have made significant contributions to the field, as determined by the Board of Directors. Fellows of the IACHC pay annual dues and receive subscriptions to publications owned or operated by the IACHC and receive all other member informational mailings.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$65

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Early Career Members

        Early Career Members are individuals in formal training programs who, upon completion, will be eligible for Regular membership including: residents, clinical trainees, and postdoctoral fellows. Early Career members pay annual dues and may subscribe to publications at their pleasure.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$50

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Student Members

        Student Members are individuals in formal college or university educational programs (undergraduate or postgraduate) who, upon completion, will be eligible for membership including: undergraduate students, medical students, individuals enrolled in postgraduate research or clinical training programs. Student members pay discounted annual and may subscribe to publications at their pleasure. Student members do not have voting privileges.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$30

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Team Members

        Team Members are individuals with special training in the health care field who are active in clinical and/or research aspects of circadian medicine including other healthcare providers, such as advanced practice nurses, nurses, physician assistants, Sleep Technologists, Respiratory Therapists, Research Assistants, Office/Center Managers and Medical Assistants. Sleep team members may subscribe to publications owned or operated by the IACHC and receive all other member mailings. Team members pay annual dues.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$30

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Affiliate Members

        Affiliate Members are individuals employed in the manufacture or sale of pharmaceuticals or equipment/devices, or servicers who want closer communication with the field of circadian medicine. Affiliate members pay annual dues and receive subscriptions to publications owned or operated by the IACHC, and receive all other member informational mailings.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$95

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Emeritus Members

        An individual member, having reached the age of 65, who has been an IACHC member for a minimum of 10 years may qualify as an IACHC Emeritus member. The member must submit a request in writing to the Board of Directors. Emeritus members will pay reduced annual membership fees and may elect to pay an additional fee for IACHC subscriptions.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$30

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Facility Memberships

      • Circadian Facility

      • About Memberships

        Membership of the International Association of Circadian Health Clinics is open to professionals, organizations, and stakeholders across the sleep and circadian medicine field. The association offers members:

        • Networking opportunities, with access to a diverse community of research and clinical professionals, to forge valuable connections, exchange ideas, and build partnerships.
        • Educational resources, including programs, webinars, workshops, and conferences to foster continuous learning and professional development.
        • Advocacy and representation through a unified voice for circadian health professionals and clinicians, promoting industry best practices, and influencing policy decisions.
        • Research and innovation: research initiatives, encourage innovation, and drive technological advancements in sleep and circadian medicine.

        To become a member of the IACHC, please complete the membership registration form.

        If you have any questions, please email us at info@circadianhealthclinics.com

        Membership fees are listed in US dollars. Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.

      • Circadian Facility

        This membership type is available for facilities that have a licensed clinician on staff/faculty who can demonstrate active management of circadian disorders patients, including demonstration of the ability to conduct circadian procedures, including:

        • Actigraphy
        • Circadian phase assessment
        • Sleep diaries
        • Genetic testing
        • Health outcomes measurements

        The facility should be associated with an accredited sleep center in the relevant country, or a clinician who is board certified in sleep medicine in the relevant country. By choosing this type of membership, circadian facilities agree to participate in IACHC data sharing projects and participate in IACHC research protocols.


        Annual Membership Fee: US$650

        Click HERE to convert this to your preferred currency.